Kamis, 18 Juli 2013

Original discovery of the Gospel of Barnabas make Yammer World

Default Penemuan Injil Asli bikin Heboh Dunia Membuat Gerah Dunia Kristen

Default findings make Yammer Original Gospel World Create Sultry Christian World
Bismillahir-Rah-Rahim maanir ... Not long ago, the Turkish government announced the discovery of original Gospel of Barnabas, one of the first disciples of Jesus (Jesus Christ).Things certainly surprised many people, including the Vatican's stronghold sendiri.Sebagaimana reported by dailymail basijpress and NationalTurk, that the original gospel of Barnabas were discovered in 2000 in Turkey, but covered by the Turkish government for more than 12 years, and only now in lay-sheet publik.Lembaran to animal skin it's written letters to the Syriac dialect of Aramaic, the same language as the common language used at the time of Jesus Jesus Christ.The Turkish government believes that the book of the animal skin is an exciting orisinal.Hal Barnabas Gospel of Barnabas Gospel Genuine Turkish origin states that JESUS ​​NEVER IN THE CROSS, and the presence of the verses which states that Islam is the true religion and the recognition of the presence of the Prophet End Times, Muhammad SAW.Recognition was contained in chapter 41 of the Book of Barnabas is found in Turkey. Here's the translation: "God has hidden himself as Archangel Michael ran them (Adam and Eve) out of heaven, (and) when Adam turned around, he saw that above the gate to paradise written" La Elah Ela Allah, Mohammad Rasul Allah " the book is still being debated now stored in the mentioned Justice Palace, Ankara, Turkey with an escort of heavily armed police and maximum security.Iranian side by Basij Press stated that what is written in the book of the original Barnabas is evidence of the truth of Islam, which in spite of it taken up by cynical of the various parties.Even the Christians through various jamaatnya stated that the Book of Barnabas is doubtful authenticity.
But even so it is wise to the Vatican said it had filed a formal request to the Turkish government to read and analyze the authenticity of the controversial book.The clerics stated that if the Bible is proven original Barnabas, it will cause damage to the credibility of the Church, and will lead to revolution massive Christianity throughout Dunia.Tentu course this discovery is quite interesting, as interesting as the history of the discovery and the fact that the American continent was first found by sailors in the Islamic tough ^ _ ^Bish-sowab Allaah knows best ... 

source:  http://forum.viva.co.id/sejarah/1059467-penemuan-injil-asli-bikin-heboh-dunia-membuat-gerah-dunia-kristen.html

This World Celebs Perform Abortions on Teen Age

4 This World Celebs Perform Abortions on Teen Age
Lost in the world of entertainment cradle.

Jennifer Aniston (REUTERS / Lucy Nicholson)

VIVAlife - Sparkling celebrity life and lifestyle that tend to be free, do not rule out a celebrity to become pregnant outside of marriage. As in women generally, when they do not expect the presence of a baby, they will take the path of abortion.

Most celebrities have abortions when they get pregnant in their teens, ie 14 or 16 years, as reported by Boldsky.Berikut this is a world celebrity, who admitted that she had an abortion:

Jennifer Aniston
Who would have thought that Jennifer Aniston had an abortion at a young age. Brad Pitt's ex-wife was admitted, in a Harper's Bazaar interview that she had an abortion at the age of 14 years.

Lil Kim
Lil Kim is one way women choose abortion to save his career. When pregnant, Kim is at the height populariras. He felt her pregnancy would interfere with his future.

Sharon Osbourne
Was still young and not ready to be a mother, Sharon, admitted that when he was attending school, she had an abortion, the free lifestyle.

Whoopi Godlberg
There was a time in life where Whoopi Goldberg became a drug addict and live in promiscuity. This makes his life ended with an unwanted pregnancy. Whoopi has done in his life more than once abortion

source: http://life.viva.co.id/news/read/428799-4-seleb-dunia-ini-lakukan-aborsi-di-usia-remaja

It Is a 5 Star Child Adoption

Behind fame, It Is a 5 Star Child AdoptionBorn out of wedlock to parents so excuse mental disorders.
John Lennon (Beatles-unlimited.com)Nelson Mandela (Reuters)
VIVAlife - To spotlight the world, every person required to work hard if they want to be successful and famous. Life like this happened to Steve Jobs and Nelson Mandela. They both just of few examples of children who have to struggle to survive. No one knew if they were in the past life somewhat bitter.
They live without loving parents. Contributing factors ranging from economic conditions, divorce, parental mental disorder until. They were raised by affection third person. Here's a list of names celebrities who grew up with the adoption, told Womansday.com:
Steve JobIn HowStuffWorks, the name Steve Jobs is known worldwide. However, no one knows if he is an adopted son. His real name is Steve Paul.
One week after birth, Steve handed by his birth mother to Paul and Clara Jobs, on February 1955. His mother accidentally handed Steve on another family the mother of delivery still a student and not married.
Marlyn MonroeNorma Jeane Mortenson or Marlyn Monroe was born in 1962 and raised by a single parent. Birth mother had a mental breakdown, so he was treated in an orphanage for two years. At the age of 16 years, Monroe was married to merchant marine James Dougherty, before he became a Playboy magazine cover model of the first edition (1953) that catapulted his name.
John LennonParent name is Julia Stanley Lennon and Alfred Lennon. When Lennon was three years old, his parents split up. At the age of five, Lennon's father who works as a seaman disappeared while sailing.
Small Lennon lived with his father and not his mother. He also did not get the love of the mother directly. This is because he was cared for by his uncle and aunt, George and Mimi.
Nelson MandelaNot a few people in the world or refer to Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela Nelson Mandela as a hero of the world. This is due to the struggle of the former South African president in the African society free from the shackles of racism.However, no one knows, when his father died, young Nelson was treated by the village head Thembu, Jongintaba. This is because his father is known to be instrumental to his village. In exchange, the head of the village and then take care of Nelson.
James FoxxActor and comedian, Jamie Foxx was born Eric Bishop in 1967. Her parents had split up long, and it was his birth mother could not raise her. When Jamie was seven months old, he was adopted by his grandmother (from her mother). Jamie is recognized, the current success can not be separated from the role and support of his grandmother. (Art 

source : http://life.viva.co.id/news/read/429206-di-balik-ketenarannya--5-bintang-ini-adalah-anak-adopsi

the celebrity life wallowing in wealth.

5 Celebs are Born of Family wallowing in wealthBefore entering the entertainment, the celebrity life wallowing in wealth.Mona Indriyani, Stella Maris
Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie (USMagazine)
VIVAlife - Discussing world artist who was born of a family wallowing in wealth and popular, it will be separated from the name of Paris Hilton. Bears the name of his father, Richard Hilton, made himself known throughout the world.
Not only the name, but also its treasures. That said, the eldest son of Richard is also touted as the heir to the Hilton Hotels empire.
But, you know, if in addition to Paris, there are other artists who were born and grew up in a wealthy family with abundant wealth? Call it a handsome lead singer Adam Levine.
Adam was raised in a small Los Angeles, was educated at Brentwood School's most prestigious schools. Investigate a investigate, he was a son of Fred Levine, retailer garments for men, women, and children who have 23 boutiques in Los Angeles. Fred, father Adam Levine, has developed the industry's business since 1980.
In Chacha.com, there are a series of celebrities who suffer the same fate as Adam and Paris. They are:
Taylor SwiftThe beautiful singer was born in Scott Kingsley Swift. Raised in a home with a land area of ​​11 hectares surrounded by palm trees in Pennsylvania. Taylor also used to live in order, for example, he had a financial advisor and marketing themselves. He also attended elite schools. When the summer holidays came, he and his family are always on vacation to the beach which is located in New Jersey.
Not only that, Taylor's father, Scott Swift, has set aside half a million dollars or equivalent to Rp 4, 9 billion to pay for the recording studio, the song will be sung by Taylor, as well as consultation fee for him. Had widely heard, the father also has to pay directly to the record labels of U.S. $ 2 million or about Rp18 billion.
Jennifer AnistonBrad Pitt's ex-wife is born of parents who have a "name" in the entertainment world. Father (John Aniston) and her mother (Nancy Dow) is an actor whose name is well-known old broad audience. It can be said, art is a huge part of family life.
No wonder that Jen, greeting familiar, eventually attended the Rudolph Steiner School, a school that is integrated with the arts. During school, Jen get all the lessons of art, ranging from sculpture, painting, playing music, and even theater. No wonder that Jen eventually became one of the celebrity with the best achievements in the acting world.
Angelina JolieHis real name is Angelina Jolie Voight. It sounds familiar, but Jolie's father is actor Jon Voight called legendary. His father famous film star in the film "Midnight Cowboy and Deliverance".
Jon is not the only one who shines the name of Jolie. Therefore, the 1975-born celebrity mother is also an actress, Marcheline Bertrand. Before the age of 11, Jolie was already interested in acting. Until finally, he followed the acting school Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute celebrated. (Art) 

source : http://life.viva.co.id/news/read/427894-5-seleb-yang-lahir-dari-keluarga-bergelimang-harta

Famous since young. Acting as an adult

Ex Artist Little Hollywood, from Lugu Being Wild (II)Famous since young. Acting as an adult.Finalia natural
Lindsay LohanLindsay Lohan (www.google.com)
VIVAlife - A Hollywood child artist managed to maintain their existence in the entertainment world. Not only successful as a singer, than they were even capable of being a famous actress.
They look very cute and candid. The artists are successful at this young age, is known for the image of the good kids, calm, simple, and very careful in looking.
However, as we age and their emerging popularity, many of these artists changed drastically.
From what was known as a sweet mama's boy, turns into a wild and often make trouble.
Many are assessing the changes that occur in the teen artists because they want to be adults. They suddenly change her image. Who are they?
4. Amanda Bynes
Amanda Bynes
Former Hollywood child artist, Amanda Bynes continues into the public spotlight. Not because of his achievements, but his wild behavior is considered out of control.
Not long ago, Bynes was busy showing pictures of her in various poses with a sloppy style. Wearing a wig, cheek piercings, and heavy makeup and sexy clothes.
As quoted from Hollyscoop, in his personal twitter account, this blonde star accidentally exposing her sexy pictures. He stylish wearing only underwear while holding a cell phone.
Not only that, his neighbor in an apartment in Manhattan also started hot with his behavior, which often wander the night. Time spent from nightclub to nightclub the other around New York.
And most make the neighbors annoyed, Bynes often scare other apartment dwellers. He suspects there is a tracking device inside the building.
Bynes also often the road while talking to himself in the halls of the apartment. The habit also makes neighbors feel uncomfortable.
Previously, the actress who is also the singer had made a commotion visitors beauty salon in Los Angeles. In front of the guests, Bynes with arbitrarily out of the room without wearing clothes.
5. Lindsay Lohan
Lindsay Lohan
Of course the name is familiar. Lindsay Lohan as a successful child artist in Hollywood. Number of films starring success. Artist who was familiarly called Lilo is no difficulty to continue his career as a star in Hollywood.
Unfortunately, Lilo squandered that opportunity. Recent years, Lilo is not always in the spotlight because of his achievements, but his wild behavior.
He is often spotted drinking, and partying in nightclubs. Lilo also frequently involved in a confrontation with a fellow artist. His days are no longer filled with the filming schedule, but in and out of rehab.
He was also in trouble with finances. Lilo threatened with bankruptcy. He has debts everywhere. In fact, she was evicted from her luxury apartment in Los Angeles because can not pay the rent arrears.
Although repeatedly in trouble, Lilo did not give up. Rather than improve, he was even more immersed with its nightlife. (Eh) 

source : http://life.viva.co.id/news/read/429815-eks-artis-cilik-hollywood--dari-lugu-menjadi-liar--ii-

Jumat, 12 Juli 2013

In 1942 Opium Kiosk purchased a pilgrim, be Breached

Headline - The building was painted green and two-story. The lower part is used as a place of business, lined up two stalls offering typical sale of honey and apem Laweyan. While at the top of the window with a visible six parts left corner there is a speaker. That Violate located at Jalan Merdeka Radjiman Dr. No. 565, Laweyan, Solo

Langgar Merdeka di Kota SoloIt's nothing to think if these heritage buildings are located at the entrance to the T-junction area Laweyan Kampoeng Batik is a place of worship. Because this building just looks like a roadside stall in general.
But make no mistake, when I looked up to the top. Violating posts will be visible there Merdeka. Then people would not be hesitant when praying in this place. This break has a building area of ​​approximately 179 square meters with a height of about 7 meters.
Violating this one is unique. In earlier times this was a place of worship belonging to descendants of Chinese buildings used as shops selling opium aka marijuana. "In the past it has been no law on Psychotropic Substances. Freely traded opium So chances," said Foundation Chairman Violate Freedom Kampoeng Batik Laweyan, Drs H Zulfikar Hussain, the headline, Friday, July 12, 2013.
The existence of these kiosks make one Laweyan batik merchants, H Iman Mashadi concerned. He also bought the place and promised to make it as a place of worship. The merchant then mewakafkan the break. "The building was purchased around 1940. Later in 1942 began to be built. Development violate lasted about 3 years and completed to coincide with the year of independence," said Zulfikar.
Giving the name of the break is quite historic. Because his name is given by President Sukarno. President gives name as a representation Violate Freedom political conditions of nationality as it was felt the euphoria of independence.
Furthermore, the opening was performed by the first Minister of Social Affairs ad interim Minister of Religion at once, Mulyadi Djoyo Martono. "At that time his name was given by Mr. Karno, but through the first Minister of Social Affairs," he said.
The political situation is still not stable at the time turned out to impact the name change violated it again. Especially in 1949, during the Dutch military aggression. It is said that this violated once bombarded with bombs by the Dutch. I wonder what the cause is, or is due to the lack of proper bomb accuracy, violated the stay standing.
No matter the name, because the name looks challenging for the Dutch, the name Breached Merdeka was muzzled. "Then the name was changed to be Breached Ikhlas.'s Why it's there in the two names, and Violating Freedom Breached sincere," he said.
Managed Foundation
Another uniqueness of this break is the management system. Based on Islamic economic system and the proselytizing mission is the concept of this building. On a mission of preaching and the bottom reflects the Islamic economy.
"They are the merchants that sign. Then his rent money is used as a financing operation and maintenance of the mosque," said Zulfikar. Management is not left to one person but by the foundation. The Foundation was formed in December 2006.
Another interesting thing is the broken social mission. Through the Islamic economic system, this break can provide assistance to the children of students from poor families. "Last year, we were able to provide assistance to 25 children. Each child received tuition assistance worth 200,000," said Zulfikar.
The architecture is quite different than the other broken, One distinguishing tower building is merging with the main building. Though in general, it's always two separate buildings. Zulfikar think the reason is because of limited land.
"If in other mosques, tower serves as a mouthpiece of loudspeakers, but these broke down towers really functioned as a call to prayer.'s Visible from the stairs that go up to the top of the tower.'s Where, in ancient times, the muezzin's call to prayer echoing the sound by far, "he said.
The building still looks original. Violate Freedom only once been renovated, the last in 2010. Renovations to fix it on the floor of the building into a place of business and the second floor for worship. However, by the time the renovation break turns tower struck by lightning so were also repaired.
"The renovation involves Archaeological Heritage Preservation Hall for Violating Freedom including heritage buildings. Additionally, the renovation also ask the opinion that the elder scholars pembenahannya not violate building of historical value," said Zulfikar.


old historical relics in Lombok

When discussing the issue of religion, especially Lombok Island consists of various races and religions. Not only famous for its natural beauty, the island of Lombok save Religious places which is used as a tourist attraction for many people.Bayan Old Mosque
Masjid Kuno BayanBayan Old Mosque. Photo By: Ezrastafara
Places of religious tourism Lombok is a shrine, ancient mosques, monasteries and temples also keeps a history of its own and it is definitely going to become curious tourists both local and foreign. These places are frequently visited, especially during religious holidays.Pura Batu Bolong

Pura Batu BolongPura Batu Bolong. Photo By: TejaPhotos
There are some religious tourist places you should visit in Lombok, among others:
Sacred TombShrine is the tomb / grave of a person's body or a religious leader who is very influential religious leaders of his time. Until now, the tomb still cared for and maintained, even many pilgrims who came to the shrine. Several shrine in Lombok include:

Tomb Stone Screen
Tomb Loang Baloq
Tomb Selaparang
Tomb in Bayan Old Mosque Beleq
Sacred Tomb Cemare
Tomb Guardians Nyatoq
Old MosqueIn addition to the ancient tombs, there are also ancient mosques or mosque that was set in the past and said to be the first mosque / first time on the island of Lombok. The mosque is still in its original form without any modification or restoration. There's only care in terms of cleanliness alone. Some of the ancient mosque are:

Bayan Old Mosque Beleq
Ancient mosque Mount Pujut
Pura LombokLombok Island store ethnic diversity, culture and religion. In addition to Old Mosque, one of the goals of religious tourism is a temple, which Hindus worship places. There are several temples in Lombok which is used as a place of religious tourism, both by tourists, local government and the citizens themselves. The temples are:

Pura Batu Bolong
Pura Gunung Pengsong
Pura Meru
Temple in the Garden Suranadi
Kalasa temple in Taman Narmada
Largest temple in NTBBesides tombs, mosques and temples, there is one more object of religious tourism in Lombok namely Vihara Tendaun Giri Sena. This monastery is located in West Lombok and is the largest monastery in the province of West Nusa Tenggara. 


Bayan Old Mosque stood since the 16th century

In the holy month of Ramadan 1434H this time, there baikya if we listen on one of the history of Islam in Lombok. One of the historic buildings of Islam in Lombok namely Bayan Old Mosque.
Bayan Old Mosque

Masjid Kuno BayanBayan Old Mosque stood since the 16th century

The mosque is located in Bayan, North Lombok Regency about 80km from the city of Mataram. Historically there are two versions of who built this mosque. One version says that Sunan Giri who built this mosque on a plot of land given by Datu Bayan in the 16th century. Yet another version says that Sunan Prapen who built this mosque, he is the grandson of Sunan Giri.

Ancient mosque is used only when the religious festivities, such as the Prophet's Birthday, Taraweeh and Eid prayers. On normal days, the mosque looks like the building is very quiet even die because there are no lights or electricity.

This mosque had stood since hundreds of years ago with the construction of the model building that has not changed to this day. Although it has been renovated many times but the shape is still preserved.

Attacked the Sultanate of Sulu, Malaysia Disposable Made In Indonesia

Attacked the Sultanate of Sulu, Malaysia Disposable Made In Indonesia
Malaysia and the Sultanate of Sulu was the middle of confrontation, each retaining rights to the area called Sabah. With casualties between the two sides clear a war is not the best thing to get something called a victory.

Elbow each other to prove who the best is a defeat in the war, Both the winning and losing control of the parties is actually a whopping two sides. Victory could actually be seen from the peace between the two sides.

That inequality war between Malaysia and Sulu kingdom. The one full with a variety of advanced equipment that a full determination and spirit. Inequality that has intrigue and product strategy in Indonesia.

Indonesian products used one of them was armored Anoa, Pindad. Panzer became Malaysia tactical vehicle movement to beat back the forces to pull out of Sulu Sabah. Of course here does not mean Indonesia Malaysia supports the royal army to attack Sulu but more than that, the war Malaysia, Indonesia symbol of resurrection technology.

Believe me there is a symbol of resurrection-flashing symbol will show in the world, this nation stood up and pointed out to Indonesia in the past that the Indonesian nation had conquered the world, Indonesia jaya

source :  http://madeinindo.blogspot.com/2013/04/menyerang-kesultanan-sulu-malaysia.html

Made In Indonesia Mastering The Sky Southeast Asia

Lion Air, Made In Indonesia Yang Menguasai Langit Asia Tenggara

You do not have to worry about a trade war between Tony Fernandez and Rusdi Kirana, which is one of Malaysia with Air Asia banner of one of Indonesia with Lion banner water. Two-two fight in low-cost, things which in the past was ridiculed because you could not fly safely through a budget airline.
Both reverse it, armed with thin profits from ticket sales because they both sell tickets super cheap, they are now a leader in the skies of Southeast Asia, yes both Air Asia and Lion Air leads the most number of passengers in Southeast Asia, but the question is who is superior?.
Air Asia before conquering the signing AirBus 200 aircraft valued at 18.2 billion dollars. But just a few months later conquering Lion Air peswat highest number of orders with two kingpins aircraft manufacturing world, Boeing and Airbus, the Boeing 200 and Airbus aircraft with 234 aircraft, Air Asia lost.
If Air Asia aircraft purchased by conquering the British prime minister in the Lion Air signing conquer the two leaders of the country, USA President Barack Obama and French President Francois Hollande in the historic signing of the contract. Extraordinary.
Lion Air 434 aircraft over a period of 2 years to make Lion Air in the top 10 airlines with the largest fleet in the world. It only lasted less than 15 years of the founding of Lion Air, a fantastic phase acquired airline.
Air Asia to open a branch in Indonesia, Lion is also not to be outdone by making low-cost airline in Malysia through Malindo Air. The airline created in collaboration with NADI Malysia with share composition 51: 49, Lion Air will also fly in Thailand and Vietnam, the right step to take control of Southeast Asia.
With the number of passengers reached 30 million passengers, it is not difficult to Lion Air looking bright future, although could worry through bankruptcy Batavia Air, Lion Air still prevail because management believes they are good management.
Yes, Malaysia slowly but surely showing expansion of their economic heyday, but Indonesia does not want to lose, through Lion Air Indonesia ready to 'strike' back to the glory of the Indonesian economy.
We are doing a movement supporting the national product, support us with follow: @ minesiastore

source: http://madeinindo.blogspot.com/2013/04/lion-air-made-in-indonesia-yang.html


Visiting Edinburgh we would have seen a beautiful natural landscape phenomenon. Painting a landscape full of green and hilly, and winding roads that will always be found when we visited Jambi.

However, misunderstood corner of the area which is located in the district of Jambi Muaro Rumble, Muaro Jambi on the banks of the Batang we can find an archaeological site complex enshrinement enshrinement Muaro Jambi is a Hindu - Buddhist largest in Indonesia. This site is a relic of the Malay kingdom of Srivijaya and the Kingdom of the 11th century, and included as an ancient temple largest in Southeast Asia.
Muaro Jambi temple complex sites can be reached by road about 30 minutes to the east or + / - 2 km from the city of Jambi towards Palabuhan Talang Duku, followed by crossing the river to the village of Muaro Jambi. After that we will get dikomplek Muaro Jambi temple which has an area of ​​2,612 acres, a magnificent architectural masterpiece of the art at the time of the kingdom and the kingdom of Srivijaya Malay century -11.
Or we can choose an alternative route to get to the temple Muaro Jambi, where everything is going good asphalt. And the way to Muaro Jambi temple was stout option, which we can pass Olakkemang area, stop by the center while typical Jambi batik artisans, or through a long route, through Sengeti.
Of information that the author got from some fellow local tour guide there, they were advised to pass the Olakkemang, because this jalaur memalui we will see a genuine treat sight berasitektur ancient house on stilts with wooden carvings long Jambi. Especially for us art lovers of photography or video maker.
In the area Muaro Jambi temple complex we can find several temples, ancient artifacts such as pottery, beads, ancient currency, statues, and others. The temples that can be found at this location area ie; Astano Temple, Temple High, Temple Gumpung, Stone Temple Twins, Gedong, Kedato Temple, and Temple Koto.
In terms of architecture Muaro Jambi temple is the center of Buddhist culture in the fourth century and V msehi. One of the discoveries in the temple area Gumpung exhibit many similarities with the way Singosari Prajnaparamita of age. A few meters from the lake temple bathing place of the kings who called Telago Rajo. The royal bathing pool measuring 100 x 200 meters with a depth of 2-3 meters from the ground.
Tracing complex enshrinement Muaro Jambi, we will find a group of High Temple is located + / - 200 meters northeast of the temple Gumpung. The temple is a 75 x 92 meter fence ever since 1979 to 1988, has a main entrance on the east side. In the area there is a group of Temple High Parent temple and Perwara six (appearances).
In front of the temple of Parent we can find a square floor plan measuring 16 x 16 meters. After the fence, now Candi Parent has two terraces and building parent tends to shrink up. While the temple is located 6 pieces disekar Parent temple just be the foundation of the legs for Parent temple.

A number of important findings contained in the High Temple is a piece of iron and bronze objects, ancient glass, fragments of stone statues, ceramic fragments generally are household appliances that berasala of China on 9-14 century AD, as well as hundreds of Inscribed bricks and marked cap. Letters contained in the brick shows posts using the letters Pallawa (Prenagari).
Continuing the journey to discover the next temple, we visited a temple now called the Stone Temple, which is located approximately 250 meters to the southeast Temple High. The site is bounded by physical build a fence surrounding the temple is rectangular with a size that is not the same on each side.
However, from the information that writers get visibly wider than the physical building of the fence can be calculated 64 x 4 square meters and pole buildings are structures made of wood and the floor is made of bricks. And a Chinese Gong've found the location of the site by archaeologists. Bronze gong made of Chinese characters is touted as the "war gong", and now has been stored at the Museum of Jambi.
Once we ce trace and obtain information from a stone temple, the journey can be continued to discover the next temple, the Gedong. The site where the temple consists of two parts, namely 1 and gedong gedong 2. Where the second temple is located very close together, and the distance is only + / - 150 meters. Gedong is located approximately 1,450 feet east of Temple Kedaton, have similar structures to the east stairs.
Gedong looks very unique, square building and from the author get the information on the site location Gedong is a common finding out ancient Chinese coins as currency and local pottery (pottery). Most of the money is in a state worn and difficult to read. Most of the letters from the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD), the Southern Tang dynasty (937-976 AD), and the Sung Dynasty (960-1280 AD). And on this site Gedong 1 there is a statue Jagopati (Arca Soldiers).
In this area we can find a pot that has a weight of 160 kg srta 67 cm high, with a diameter of 106 meters which is the largest metal container findings of World Muaro Jambi. From the data that the authors get the location information from the information center and lighting information Muaro Jambi temple, the pot was discovered by local residents at the time of digging located not far from the temple complex Kedaton.
Shifted from Temple Kedaton 500 meters in Batang Hari river sebalah homecoming right, we will find Gumpung temple, which temple site Gumpung is the largest temple after temple Kedaton. Seeing the temple Gumpung arranged neatly by using raw materials of brick, we will see employed several shapes and sizes that are arranged very neatly at the temple site.

In the temple area Gumpung archaeological objects ever found successful in found by archaeologists. Groups are limited Gumpung temple fence forming a square measuring 299 x 50 square meter with features 5 Perwara (viewer) is not very clear form his form, gate 4 and 2 pieces of fruit a former pool estimated. Gumpung temple comes from naming a language menapo Gumpung of indigenous peoples around the temple site, in the Malay language means having an Papak or broken or cut on it.

Originally Muaro Jambi temple complex site is not much in contact with people. And a British officer, SC Crooke who visited this area in 1820, kemudaian in 1935-1936, FM. Schnitger an archaeologist who undertook an expedition to the area and do the excavation site Muaro Jambi. The authors get the information from the locals who recorded the information center information Muaro Jambi temple.
It's incredible historical phenomenon behind the beauty panorama Muaro Jambi enshrinement site is not inferior to the historic sites that gentleness in Java .. In catatatan trips originating from information on the location of the site enshrinement Muaro Jambi. Until the beginning of the 21st avad this AD, Muaro Jambi temple site locations superbly identified approximately 110 building of the temple is a relic of the Malay kingdom until the kingdom of Srivijaya, the Buddhist Malay cultural background. Estimated temples built in this location since the 4th century AD, one of which was the group Temple Gumpung.
In 2009 Muaro Jambi temple complex is proposed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, hopefully very wonderful attractions and historical value of this history can be preserved to be one of the educational learning centers in the area Muaro Jambi, Indonesia on the island of Sumatra. Because this region has an important role in trade and diplomacy that is located in the path of Maritime Silk Road.
By enjoying the cultural history tour in Jambi temple Muaro we will be able to explore the meaning of a democratic greatness possessed at the time of the kingdom of Sriwijaya and Melayu in his time, hopefully we can take a positive lessons of each trip can be run for the benefit of this kehiudpan.
Hours of Operation Candi Muaro Jambi: Pk. 9:00 to 17:00 pmTicket Price: Rp. 6000, - (for domestic travelers)Guide: Rp. 25.000 - Rp. 100.000, - (as agreed) 

source : http://ejawantahtour.blogspot.com/2013/06/jejak-sejarah-kerajaan-sriwijaya-di.html

Jumat, 05 Juli 2013

An easy way to make Yougurt

Although it looks difficult, making yogurt is actually very simple. The tools we need are not too complicated, like pot measures about 40 cm, spoon stirrer, glass jarsclosed. All of this equipment can be obtained easily in the market-the market or shopping centers like Carrefour. The main ingredient needed for the manufacture of yoghurt is milk. This milk can be either direct liquid milk but the milk used to note should be milky white.
The steps are as follows:

Prepare the milk was diluted with 1 liter of boiled water and add milk cream as much as 15%.
Cook over low heat, stirring constantly for 30 minutes but do not boil. It is only intended to evaporate the water so it will form lumps or solid yogurt.
If it is solid, then removed and cooled yogurt roughly until lukewarm and then add as much yogurt seeds 2-5% of the amount that has been thickened yogurt earlier. Seed yogurt is not sold freely in the market but you can get at one store. Or we can simply use plain yogurt (no flavor added), without sugar and without the aroma as seed yoghurt.
Let stand for 24 hours in a sealed container to produce a sour taste and strong forms.
The higher total solid then the remaining clear liquid the less, and the better the resulting yogurt. Solid yogurt that has not been given the additional flavor yogurt can also be used as seeds for the next creation.
Once shaped yogurt or sugar syrup can be added to the acid is not strong, even with additional flavorings can be added to foods such as citrus flavors, strawberry and lychee which can be obtained in pharmacies. Yoghurt can be served not only as a beverage, but also can be served with fruit salad as a dressing or as a mixture of ice buah.Yoghurt that is so can be placed in a plastic or glass container. If we want to use plastic containers should be rather thick, but if you want to save yogurt for a longer time should use glass containers.
Cleanliness is a must so we pay attention, so you should use all the tools boiled in boiling water for 5-10 minutes. If hygiene is not maintained can lead yogurt is not so, with no acidic characteristics despite solid form, mushrooms grown on a solid surface in the form of black spots and smelled very sour yogurt tajam.Untuk our own making should be a maximum of storage for 1 week.
In addition to hygiene issues, safety issues also need to be considered yogurt.
There are two things to note are:

Yogurt should not be exposed to sunlight.
Should not be placed at room temperature, should be stored in cold temperatures / fridge but it also should not be placed in the freezer. Yogurt should not be stored in the freezer for ingredients such as milk yogurt that can be broken and that it would damage the yogurt.

The new yogurt is made so if you want a drink, then stepnya are as follows:
1.Setelah Yogurt finished and cooled, then add the sugar and mixer dg full speed.2.Tambahkan essence to make it more delicious / real fruit blender with yogurt.3.Add CMC liquid or liquid gelatin and mixer that yogurt is thicker and taste more delicious.4.Tambahkan strawberry fruit garnish and ready to eat

CMC / gelatin: Water = 1 teaspoon: 100 ml of water ==> to 1 liter of yogurt.

source : resepistri

Yoghurt consumption benefits

Work lactic acid bacteria ferment the milk turns nutritious yogurt. Especially the B-complex vitamins, including vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), folic acid, pantothenic acid, and biotin. A series of these vitamins help improve the health of the reproductive system, immune, and sharpness of thought functions. Diligently drinking yoghurt, especially the pure / plain, can stimulate the body to speed up the process of cell rejuvenation. I wonder if the yogurt is used to soak bath, masks, and scrubs in the last hundreds of years of imperial Constantinople.
Yogurt from skim milk is very rich in minerals, especially calcium and phosphorus. Together with vitamin B-complex, both mineral double work to build strong bone mass. Therefore, it is often claimed nirlemak milk yogurt can prevent bone loss (osteoporosis).For people who always diarrhea every time I drink milk because of lactose intolerance (lactose intolerance) will be safe when drinking yoghurt. The fermentation process has outlined most of the milk sugar (lactose) into simple components, so lactose is more readily absorbed and does not cause diarrhea.
Ellie Metchnikoff, the Russian microbiologist who won the Nobel Prize in physiology of medicine in 1908, examined the drinking habits of the population yoghurt Balkans. The result, Metchnikoff found in general population even longevity (achievement mean age 87 years) and looks younger than his age.
According to Metchnikoff, drinking yoghurt increase the amount of good bacteria in the digestive tract, especially the small intestine. With troop levels of good bacteria is increasing, the bad bacteria more easily crushed. Therefore, yogurt is generally infrequent drinkers suffer from diseases caused by microbial contamination, such as influenza, diarrhea. Balkan population facts found are then gave birth to the theory of Metchnikoff long life and stay young (Metchnikoffs longevity-without-aging theory). That said, at the same time Metchnikoff's findings and raises awareness of the importance of drinking yoghurt all over the world.Lactic acid bacteria in yogurt can prevent the occurrence of chronic poisoning due to natural free radical attack. This can hinder the process of accelerated aging, which is the cause of the symptoms of premature aging. Hence, regular yogurt drinkers generally look younger. Accumulated amount of lactic acid bacteria in the gut can also ward off the threat of attack tumors / cancer, particularly cancers of the small intestine. Ease back, after diligent drinking yoghurt, waste water will be smooth and never again suffer from constipation.
after finding out that a lot of the benefits of drinking yoghurt that boost immunity, lower cholesterol levels, it can even prevent the emergence of tumors / cancer.so hooked as well and also happen to love reina
Here are some of the benefits outlined yogurt dr. Carmen. M. Siagian, MS, Section of Nutritional Sciences Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta
* Helping people with lactose intoleranceIf your child or you are always diarrhea every time I drink milk, he could be suffering from lactoce intolerence. The cause is a deficiency / lactose-digesting enzyme deficiency. So every time you drink milk, lactose granules will be left on the surface of the hole and the small intestine absorbs water from its surroundings which then led to diarrhea. In yogurt, milk lactose is broken down by the "good" bacteria Lactobacillus bulgaricus fermented, easily absorbed by the body. That is why it is strongly recommended yogurt as a milk substitute for people / children who are unable to digest lactose properly. With a yoghurt drink, you and your child will not diarrhea anymore.If your child early on is already accustomed to consume yogurt once a day as much as 200 cc, then the balance will be maintained cernanya channel. Impact in his favor, the germs causing various diseases such as typhoid and diarrhea will not be able to grow.According to some experts, yogurt as a variety of food began to be consumed after the baby is exclusively breastfed, which is about the age of 6 months. Of course not just any baby yogurt for yogurt, lo. Rather yoghurt containing Bifidobacterium sp. type that produces lactic acid L (+). While lactic acid type D (-) are experiencing a slower metabolism is not suitable for babies. After a year of age, then the child can eat all kinds of yogurt and enjoy its benefits as a source of protein, calcium, and high phosphorus.
* Degradation of cholesterolResearch in some people who eat yogurt regularly in a certain amount of time and also show the amount of cholesterol in the blood serum decreased. Mechanism of cholesterol reduction can occur due to lactic acid bacteria present in yogurt can degrade cholesterol to coprostanol. Coprostanol This is a substance that can not be absorbed by the intestine. Thanks yogurt, coprostanol and cholesterol residual feces removed together. A report on this matter explained that the reduction of cholesterol by Lactobacillus bacteria can reach the range of 27-38 percent.
* Inhibit pathogensIntestinal flora consuming yogurt proved difficult overgrown germs or bacteria pathogens that can cause disease. With the inhibition of microbial growth as well as the death of pathogens in the stomach and small intestine can avoid the appearance of various diseases caused by microbial infection or intoxication. In other words, eating yogurt regularly can help maintain a healthy digestive tract.
* Neutralize antibioticsAntibiotics kill germs is working, but he did not indiscriminately where germs that need to be killed and which ones actually do not need to be destroyed. Is not there are actually germs that must be on the gastrointestinal tract in order to maintain the balance of intestinal flora? Well, yoghurt can neutralize the side effects of antibiotics.
* Anticancer gastrointestinalThe bacteria in yogurt can contribute to change prekarsinogenik substances (cancer-triggering substances) present in the digestive tract, to be able to prevent the occurrence of cancer
* Preventing coronary heart"good" bacteria ie, Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus contained in yogurt, will result in folic acid and vitamin B complex, vitamin is useful both to prevent the emergence of coronary heart disease 

sumber: resepistri