Jumat, 12 Juli 2013


Visiting Edinburgh we would have seen a beautiful natural landscape phenomenon. Painting a landscape full of green and hilly, and winding roads that will always be found when we visited Jambi.

However, misunderstood corner of the area which is located in the district of Jambi Muaro Rumble, Muaro Jambi on the banks of the Batang we can find an archaeological site complex enshrinement enshrinement Muaro Jambi is a Hindu - Buddhist largest in Indonesia. This site is a relic of the Malay kingdom of Srivijaya and the Kingdom of the 11th century, and included as an ancient temple largest in Southeast Asia.
Muaro Jambi temple complex sites can be reached by road about 30 minutes to the east or + / - 2 km from the city of Jambi towards Palabuhan Talang Duku, followed by crossing the river to the village of Muaro Jambi. After that we will get dikomplek Muaro Jambi temple which has an area of ​​2,612 acres, a magnificent architectural masterpiece of the art at the time of the kingdom and the kingdom of Srivijaya Malay century -11.
Or we can choose an alternative route to get to the temple Muaro Jambi, where everything is going good asphalt. And the way to Muaro Jambi temple was stout option, which we can pass Olakkemang area, stop by the center while typical Jambi batik artisans, or through a long route, through Sengeti.
Of information that the author got from some fellow local tour guide there, they were advised to pass the Olakkemang, because this jalaur memalui we will see a genuine treat sight berasitektur ancient house on stilts with wooden carvings long Jambi. Especially for us art lovers of photography or video maker.
In the area Muaro Jambi temple complex we can find several temples, ancient artifacts such as pottery, beads, ancient currency, statues, and others. The temples that can be found at this location area ie; Astano Temple, Temple High, Temple Gumpung, Stone Temple Twins, Gedong, Kedato Temple, and Temple Koto.
In terms of architecture Muaro Jambi temple is the center of Buddhist culture in the fourth century and V msehi. One of the discoveries in the temple area Gumpung exhibit many similarities with the way Singosari Prajnaparamita of age. A few meters from the lake temple bathing place of the kings who called Telago Rajo. The royal bathing pool measuring 100 x 200 meters with a depth of 2-3 meters from the ground.
Tracing complex enshrinement Muaro Jambi, we will find a group of High Temple is located + / - 200 meters northeast of the temple Gumpung. The temple is a 75 x 92 meter fence ever since 1979 to 1988, has a main entrance on the east side. In the area there is a group of Temple High Parent temple and Perwara six (appearances).
In front of the temple of Parent we can find a square floor plan measuring 16 x 16 meters. After the fence, now Candi Parent has two terraces and building parent tends to shrink up. While the temple is located 6 pieces disekar Parent temple just be the foundation of the legs for Parent temple.

A number of important findings contained in the High Temple is a piece of iron and bronze objects, ancient glass, fragments of stone statues, ceramic fragments generally are household appliances that berasala of China on 9-14 century AD, as well as hundreds of Inscribed bricks and marked cap. Letters contained in the brick shows posts using the letters Pallawa (Prenagari).
Continuing the journey to discover the next temple, we visited a temple now called the Stone Temple, which is located approximately 250 meters to the southeast Temple High. The site is bounded by physical build a fence surrounding the temple is rectangular with a size that is not the same on each side.
However, from the information that writers get visibly wider than the physical building of the fence can be calculated 64 x 4 square meters and pole buildings are structures made of wood and the floor is made of bricks. And a Chinese Gong've found the location of the site by archaeologists. Bronze gong made of Chinese characters is touted as the "war gong", and now has been stored at the Museum of Jambi.
Once we ce trace and obtain information from a stone temple, the journey can be continued to discover the next temple, the Gedong. The site where the temple consists of two parts, namely 1 and gedong gedong 2. Where the second temple is located very close together, and the distance is only + / - 150 meters. Gedong is located approximately 1,450 feet east of Temple Kedaton, have similar structures to the east stairs.
Gedong looks very unique, square building and from the author get the information on the site location Gedong is a common finding out ancient Chinese coins as currency and local pottery (pottery). Most of the money is in a state worn and difficult to read. Most of the letters from the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD), the Southern Tang dynasty (937-976 AD), and the Sung Dynasty (960-1280 AD). And on this site Gedong 1 there is a statue Jagopati (Arca Soldiers).
In this area we can find a pot that has a weight of 160 kg srta 67 cm high, with a diameter of 106 meters which is the largest metal container findings of World Muaro Jambi. From the data that the authors get the location information from the information center and lighting information Muaro Jambi temple, the pot was discovered by local residents at the time of digging located not far from the temple complex Kedaton.
Shifted from Temple Kedaton 500 meters in Batang Hari river sebalah homecoming right, we will find Gumpung temple, which temple site Gumpung is the largest temple after temple Kedaton. Seeing the temple Gumpung arranged neatly by using raw materials of brick, we will see employed several shapes and sizes that are arranged very neatly at the temple site.

In the temple area Gumpung archaeological objects ever found successful in found by archaeologists. Groups are limited Gumpung temple fence forming a square measuring 299 x 50 square meter with features 5 Perwara (viewer) is not very clear form his form, gate 4 and 2 pieces of fruit a former pool estimated. Gumpung temple comes from naming a language menapo Gumpung of indigenous peoples around the temple site, in the Malay language means having an Papak or broken or cut on it.

Originally Muaro Jambi temple complex site is not much in contact with people. And a British officer, SC Crooke who visited this area in 1820, kemudaian in 1935-1936, FM. Schnitger an archaeologist who undertook an expedition to the area and do the excavation site Muaro Jambi. The authors get the information from the locals who recorded the information center information Muaro Jambi temple.
It's incredible historical phenomenon behind the beauty panorama Muaro Jambi enshrinement site is not inferior to the historic sites that gentleness in Java .. In catatatan trips originating from information on the location of the site enshrinement Muaro Jambi. Until the beginning of the 21st avad this AD, Muaro Jambi temple site locations superbly identified approximately 110 building of the temple is a relic of the Malay kingdom until the kingdom of Srivijaya, the Buddhist Malay cultural background. Estimated temples built in this location since the 4th century AD, one of which was the group Temple Gumpung.
In 2009 Muaro Jambi temple complex is proposed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, hopefully very wonderful attractions and historical value of this history can be preserved to be one of the educational learning centers in the area Muaro Jambi, Indonesia on the island of Sumatra. Because this region has an important role in trade and diplomacy that is located in the path of Maritime Silk Road.
By enjoying the cultural history tour in Jambi temple Muaro we will be able to explore the meaning of a democratic greatness possessed at the time of the kingdom of Sriwijaya and Melayu in his time, hopefully we can take a positive lessons of each trip can be run for the benefit of this kehiudpan.
Hours of Operation Candi Muaro Jambi: Pk. 9:00 to 17:00 pmTicket Price: Rp. 6000, - (for domestic travelers)Guide: Rp. 25.000 - Rp. 100.000, - (as agreed) 

source : http://ejawantahtour.blogspot.com/2013/06/jejak-sejarah-kerajaan-sriwijaya-di.html

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